This high-intensity class focuses on short bursts of exercise with minimal rest, designed to maximize calorie burn and improve cardiovascular fitness. Through a variety of exercises targeting all muscle groups, you'll enhance your endurance and weight loss results. Whether you're a beginner or experienced, expect a heart-pumping workout that pushes your limits while keeping it fun. Step out of your comfort zone and join us to achieve your fitness goals together!
BODYFLEX 課程是非常有效的塑形和減脂訓練。 利用適當的重量和強化身體的動作配合,等於將重量訓練和有氧訓練合二為一;此課程的獨特性,讓BODYFLEX成為發展肌力與信心的大好開始。振奮人心的音樂與引人入勝動作編排,讓您持續完成每堂45分鐘至1個小時的運動。 您將會使用到踏板、槓鈴和槓片。 The class uses light to moderate weights with high repetition movements to work all the major muscle groups. Participants perform exercises targeting the chest, back, shoulders, arms, legs, and core, with the goal of building muscle, improving strength, and boosting metabolism. Set to motivating music, Body Flex classes are designed to provide an effective and efficient total body workout.
利用彈力帶進行抗阻力訓練,塑造肌肉線條;同時能強化日常生活中的慣用動作,提高身體功能性,課程靈活性趣味性極佳。Uses elastic resistance bands of varying tensions and lengths, targets all the major muscle groups through a variety of exercises and provides an effective total-body workout that builds strength, muscle tone, and flexibility
Mat Pilates is a low-impact exercise focused on strengthening the core, improving flexibility, and enhancing body awareness through controlled, precise movements performed on a mat.
運用高強度的音樂元素,包括拉丁與世界各國音樂,結合簡單舞步、有趣易學,即使沒有任何舞蹈基礎也能享受其中,一齊嚟參加燃燒卡路里的健身舞蹈Party Macau !
Zumba is an exhilarating fitness program that combines dance moves with upbeat, rhythmic music, typically of Latin and international origins.
後彎瑜伽 (中階)
後彎瑜伽是瑜伽姿勢的主要類別之一; 練習後彎可以打開前半身,增加臀部的柔韌性,並改善腰椎和胸椎的靈活性。
One of the main categories of yoga poses. Practicing backbend opens up the front body increases your hip flexibility, and improves the mobility of your lumbar and thoracic spine.
流動瑜伽 (初階)
是一種充滿活力的瑜伽,具有一系列動態的姿勢。 涉及持續的瑜伽動作可以增強和調理整個身體,並建立綜合和靈活的力量,同時消除身體緊張。
It is an energetic type of yoga with a dynamic sequence of postures. The consistent flow of movement it involves strengthens and tones the entire body, and dissolves bodily tension while building integrated and flexible strength.
*Flow Yoga is the easy version of Vinyasa.
哈達瑜伽 (初階)
是瑜伽的兩個主要分支之一,專注於體位文化。 它很好地介紹了基本的瑜伽姿勢,這些姿勢試圖通過體式(體位鍛煉)、控制呼吸、放鬆和冥想來平衡身心。 體位法教授姿勢、平衡和力量,練習體式可以改善身體健康並清除思想上的雜念.
One of the two main branches of yoga focuses on the physical culture. It offers a good introduction to the basic yoga poses, which attempt to balance the mind and body through asanas (physical exercises), controlled breathing, relaxation, and meditation. Asanas teach pose, balance, and strength, and are practiced to improve the body’s physical health and clear your mind.
力量瑜伽 (中階)
利用有系統的獨特瑜伽動作,成為具有挑戰性的瑜伽運動鍛煉。 它將拜日式與站立姿勢、前屈、後屈和扭轉相結合,進行完整的瑜伽鍛煉,增強身心肌力,發揮我們內在的力量.
Power Yoga is a unique system of yoga that delivers a challenging physical workout. It combines sun salutation with standing postures, forward bends, backward bends, and twists for a complete yogic workout that increases the strength of the body and mind, bringing out the internal power that we have.
This yoga class moves through a series of poses that stretch mainly the legs, side of body, spine, and arms & shoulder.
流瑜伽 (中階)
強調姿勢之間的連續運動,與有意識的呼吸協調和引導。 練習流瑜伽成為一種動人的冥想,可以在身心中創造力量、自由和流動性。
Emphasize the sequential movement between postures, coordinated with and guided by deliberate breath. The Vinyasa practice becomes a moving meditation that creates strength, freedom, and fluidity in the body and mind.
瑜伽療法 (初階)
This class helps prevent, as well as gives relief to common physical ailments related to the joints, digestive system, respiratory system, and nervous system – all for healthier living. This class is best suitable for raw beginners and all levels of yoga practitioners.
開髖是一種伸展髖關節和骨盆周圍肌肉的瑜伽姿勢,包括臀部、腿筋、大腿內側、腹股溝和腹部。 這些肌肉通常因整天坐在辦公桌前而緊張,這可能會導致腰痛和其他問題。
開肩意思是伸展手臂、上背部和肩帶的肌肉; 培養肩部更大的運動範圍。 釋放肩部緊張和壓力。
A hip opening pose is a yoga posture that stretches the muscles around the hip joint and pelvis, including the buttocks, hamstrings, inner thighs, groin, and abdomen. These muscles are often tight from sitting at a desk all day, which can lead to lower back pain and other issues.
Shoulder Opening :
Stretching the muscles of the arms, upper back, and shoulder girdle. Cultivating a greater range of motion of the shoulders. Also release the shoulder tension and stress.
拜日式是最重要的瑜伽練習之一;這是一套包含 12 個瑜伽姿勢的體式。 指定的姿勢為瑜珈練習增添了深刻的精神元素, 拜日式的練習喚醒身體智能,直接從姿勢中產生能量。
Sun Salutation is one of the most important yoga practices. It is a set of 12 yoga poses. These poses create a profound spiritual element to the practice. The practice of Sun Salutation awakens the body intelligence to create energy directly from the poses.
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